The Behobia - San Sebastián works with a number of social projects each year.

Anyone wishing to collaborate with any of these associations can do so by entering the race using the Solidarity bib numbers. The solidarity bib number involves a minimum contribution of €7 added to the cost. C.D Fortuna contributes €1 persolidarity bib number.


ATECE - Association of acquired brain damage of Guipuzkoa

ATECE-GUIPÚZCOA’s (Association of acquired brain damage of Guipuzkoa), is a non-profit association, which works with the aim of improving the quality of life of people affected by brain damage as a result of a traumatic brain injury, accident vascular brain, brain tumor, or any disease that results in a lack of oxygen in the brain, so as to their families too.

ATECE-GUIPÚZCOA has been working for this group since 1994 and is recognized as a public utility entity.

The Association offers a personified multidisciplinary attention covering all areas: social, familial, occupational and psychological.

The Association has a headquarter which offers social care and guidance, information and reception service, and a center of activity where the following services are offered: cognitive rehabilitation, Neuropsychological, craft room, shop games, speech therapy and physiotherapy. Besides, there are also free time activities and holiday program activities.

Within the activities aimed at families is offered psychological care, self-support groups, workshops for families and talks. ATECE -GUIPÚZCOA gives information, training and awareness, so as to show to society this collectivity’s way of life.

Dravet Foundation

Dravet syndrome, also known as Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy of Infancy (SMEI), is a rare and catastrophic form of intractable epilepsy that begins in infancy.

The mission of Dravet Syndrome Foundation is to aggressively raise research funds for Dravet syndrome and related epilepsies.

ADELA Association

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) stopped being an unknown condition after "Ice Bucket Challenge" which went viral in the summer of 2014. However, is the third disease neurodegenerative most diagnosed after Dementia and Parkinson’s. According to the Spanish Association of Neurology (SEN) in the State, 4000 people have the disease at any given time. About 1000 people are diagnosed, and passes away each year. In traffic-accidents, in 2019, died 1098 people.

ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects motor neurons. Patients, in the later stages, may become totally paralyzed. Most people live at least 3 years after diagnosis. A 20 percent live 5 years or more and up to 10 percent live more than 10 years.

ADELA, is a non-profit entity, designated as a public interest’s in 2003. rom 1994, is working to make public the condition and provide support to the ALS community by giving the highest quality of life possible to those facing the disease and their families:

  • Information from the diagnosis.
  • Information and Help. About community services, the paperwork, or to get the assistive technology and adaptive equipment.
  • Monthly meetings with families and some care-professionals. To train caregivers, and to share experiences and concerns.
  • Rehabilitation Therapy (physical, speech, psychological and occupational therapy). The Association pays for them.
  • Personalized follow up of the patient. Our Social Worker will use phone conversations or home visits.

THE STAFF of ADELA: A Social Worker and a group of Volunteers.

ARNASA - Cystic Fibrosis Association of Gipuzkoa

ARNASA, the Cystic Fibrosis Association of Gipuzkoa, is a non-profit organization that works to improve the quality of life of those affected by cystic fibrosis (CF).

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a serious genetic disease that primarily affects lungs and digestive system. The population incidence is 1 in 5,000 births and it is therefore considered as the "rare disease".

The most common symptoms are: continuous coughing, thick secretions, repeated respiratory infections and abdominal pain. To preserve and improve the quality of life of people with CF, permanent care, drug treatment and daily chest physiotherapy.

In ARNASA we work to provide comprehensive care to the affected people: information and advice, monitoring adherence to treatment, respiratory physiotherapy, counseling, advocacy and visibility and social awareness.

HAUR ERI, is an association created in 2011, whose mission is to brighten up the daily lives of sick children in the Pediatrics Department of the Centre Hospitalier de la Côte Basque in Bayonne.

All the association's volunteers are caregivers in the Pediatrics Department.

Thanks to donations, the association:

  • Improves reception facilities for families (parents' room, free television, tablets, etc.)
  • Acquires educational and recreational materials to help children make the most of their hospital stay (games, manual activities, decorations, etc.)
  • Finances family stays for children undergoing treatment for serious pathologies
  • Organizes family outings to enable children to experience hospital life in a different way
  • Finances expenses for families in emergency situations

HAUR ERI, for children's "laughter" in hospital!

Social projects

Cruz Roja is a volunteer-based humanitarian institution, on a mission to prevent and alleviate human suffering, and thereby contribute to the maintenance and promotion of human dignity. The organisation has been working in Gipuzkoa since 1870, and even though its beginning was linked to health assistance, nowadays, there is a far greater focus on social programs, and it is through these programs that we offer solutions to the main social problems.

As such, we have increased and extended the program’s aim to helping people who find themselves socially excluded or living in a vulnerable situation. Among these, we work directly with elderly people and/or people with disabilities.

One of our flagship activities is “Gurekin Blai”. Where, Cruz Roja volunteers help people with reduced mobility, to have access to the beach and to be able to swim in the sea using adapted transport and chairs. This program helps eliminate barriers faced by people with mobility problems, as well as preventing their isolation and promoting their social participation.

We would like to thank you for supporting this initiative, whose essence is, as one of the participants describes it: 'breaking barriers to return to the beach', an experience that many of them haven´t been able to do for many years.


Vicente Ferrer Foundation

Vicente Ferrer Foundation is an NGO committed since 1969 to the process of transforming one of the poorest and neediest rural areas of India, in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. We give support to impoverished communities and disadvantaged groups, as women and people with disabilities. Vicente Ferrer Foundation is implementing its programs in more than 3,600 rural villages reaching almost 3 million people. Our development model agrees with the recommendations of UN to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in 2030.

With the support of charity run Behobia – San Sebastián and Fortuna Sports Club we’ll be able to build a housing colony for disadvantaged families that don’t have guaranteed hygiene and safety conditions where they live at this moment.

The access to an adequate housing is essential for their personal dignity and social integration. Every woman of these families will be the official owner of the property, in order to promote their empowerment in a society where women suffer strong gender discrimination.

Thank you very much to make this project happen. Together, we are building a fairer world.


We are an independent group, without any religious affiliation, political or governmental that brings together a lot of people with a great diversity of origin, age, profession, etc we are all but with the same intention: to help.

We are all volunteers and many of us have found with the problem of not knowing how to do it, where to begin ... and that in many cases there is also a distrust of the major NGO’s by their slowness, to the costs involved, by its own bureaucracy and by mistrust of the fate of their funds received.

We are united by the desire to do something for others and we think that if it is possible to help actively and directly. You can achieve small victories by adding efforts and we are already many anonymous people united by a idea and a same dream.

And in this way we have been getting that you can see and follow in our web and visually, you can follow the projects in the "Gallery" tab.

Now We are now building a Primary School Center, ( to give continuity to the previous preschool college we deliver in 2014 (

For this and many things we can do together, we need to be many DORSAL SOLIDARITY.

Maga Foundation

Fundación Maga is an initiative aimed at promoting aid and support projects for children living in developing countries.

Our main scope of action focuses on providing education to children. They are especially vulnerable and at greater risk of suffering exclusion, problems that worsen when combined with illnesses and/or poverty.

At Fundación Maga we focus on education as we believe it is the main driver of development and a key pillar of personal evolution. Moreover, it is the basis and the driver of a country’s progress.

So far, we have completed projects in Cambodia and Sierra Leona, involving the construction of schools and water wells, benefiting not only children, but their families and communities.

Thanks to your help we’re going to set up a small gym for the “Centro Arrupe” in Cambodia, to be used for rehabilitation and physical education for disabled children. Cambodia is among the nations with the highest percentage of physically disabled people in the world due to the consequences of the war, which left the terrifying figure of 10 million anti-personnel mines around the country.

45 disabled children and young people currently live at the centre, and will benefit from having a place where they can do exercise and specific rehabilitation. Sport is very important for them as they have a special need to exercise their muscles and spend time preventing lesions.


Joma and Behobia-San Sebastián join their paths

El Club Deportivo Fortuna y Joma han un acuerdo que une a la marca deportiva con la carrera Behobia – San Sebastián como su patrocinador técnico oficial.

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59ª Behobia - San Sebastián

25.182 participantes de las 27.772 personas inscritas se han animado a acercarse a la salida en la 59 edición de la Behobia-San Sebastián, suponiendo un 9% de bajas. Han alcanzado la meta 24.970 participantes, habiéndose retirado de la carrera 212 personas. De todas las personas que han llegado a meta 958 han sido descalificados.

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Technical Press Conference 2024

Esta mañana, 5 de noviembre, ha tenido lugar la rueda de prensa técnica de la 59ª Edición de la Behobia – San Sebastián (B/SS), en el Polideportivo Municipal Pío Baroja.

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