Information to bear in mind

Any backpacks you want to leave at the left luggage – cloakroom must weigh no more than 5 kg. We advise you not to place any valuables or potentially breakable objects inside, since the organisers decline all liability.

The race number has a cut-out with a sticker which must be placed on the backpack before you drop it off.

left luggage - cloakroom

You will have to place the backpack in the corresponding number according to the last two race number figures.

Where can I leave my backpack?

Advance left luggage - before the day of the race

C.D. Fortuna K.E. distribution point - Kursaal Congress Hall
- Friday, November 7, from 12:00 to 21:00.
- Saturday, November 8 from 10:00 to 20:00.

Left luggage on the day of the race itself

  • In San Sebastian: on Plaza Gipuzkoa from 7:30 onwards.
  • In Behobia: in the start zone from 8:30 onwards, and up to the deadline indicated for each starting group on the rear of your race number. Left luggage service is not guaranteed beyond this time.


Joma and Behobia-San Sebastián join their paths

El Club Deportivo Fortuna y Joma han un acuerdo que une a la marca deportiva con la carrera Behobia – San Sebastián como su patrocinador técnico oficial.

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59ª Behobia - San Sebastián

25.182 participantes de las 27.772 personas inscritas se han animado a acercarse a la salida en la 59 edición de la Behobia-San Sebastián, suponiendo un 9% de bajas. Han alcanzado la meta 24.970 participantes, habiéndose retirado de la carrera 212 personas. De todas las personas que han llegado a meta 958 han sido descalificados.

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Technical Press Conference 2024

Esta mañana, 5 de noviembre, ha tenido lugar la rueda de prensa técnica de la 59ª Edición de la Behobia – San Sebastián (B/SS), en el Polideportivo Municipal Pío Baroja.

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